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All About Amber/ Amber Inclusions

Common inclusions in amber would be things such as flies, gnats, and ants.

Really interesting inclusions showing events in time and interaction of different insects are sometimes found. These would include such things as swarms of insects, mating insects, and parasitic insects riding on the backs of their host

Rare inclusions in amber would be things such as lizards, scorpions, bird feathers, mammal hair, reptilian skin, and blood filled ticks.

Frogs and mice have even been found in amber, although they are extremely rare.

Botanical inclusions can consist of the following: flowers, leaves, twigs, and seeds.

Amber inclusions are extremely important to scientists because they can be so well preserved. Compare this to fossils found in rocks where all that is left is the imprint in the rock. Amber can remarkably preserve even the finest things such as the DNA and internal tissues.

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Check out our Amber Inclusions:
Amber Inside Amber, Ants, Amber Jewelry, Ant Larvae, Ant Pupa, Assassin Bugs, Bees, Beetles, Bristletails, Bugs, Caterpillars, Centipedes, Crickets, Earwigs, Eggs, Feathers, Fighting-Interacting-Carrying, Flies, Flowers & Buds, Gnats, Grasshoppers, Inchworms, Isopods, Jumping Plant Lice, Large Insects, Larvae, Leafhoppers, Leaves, Mammal Hair, Mating Insects, Microcosm (A Little World), Midges, Millipedes, Mites, Mites on Host, Mosquitos, Moths, Other Insects, Other Inclusions (Non-Insect), Other Botanical, Plant Hoppers, Praying Mantis, Pseudoscorpions, Psocids, Pupa and Larvae, Queen Ants, Rare/Unusual/Odd Inclusions, Roaches, Roots of Botanical, Scorpions, Seeds, Snails, Spiders, Spider Webs, Stalactites, Swarms, Termites, Thrips, Ticks, Twigs, Twisted Winged Parasites, Unusual Botanical, Webspinners (Zorapteran), Wasps, Water Bubbles (Enhydros), Weevils

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